International Annual Conferences
Impact investments, Donations & Philanthropists for (...)
8th International Annual Conference - High Level Workshop at Geneva
Sustainable Travel and Tourism for Peace and Development - (...)
10th International Annual Conference at Geneva
Transversal Goals
Business Creation and Development
Is making profit incompatible with the challenges of sustainable (...)
Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
Towards a sustainable development that include every part of society
Business Platform
Opportunities of Ethical Business Projects for Sustainable (...)
Presentations of educational, technological, scientific and environmental (...)
Permanent Call for Proposals
Climate & War - Generate greater wealth through an (...)
As a society, we would be better off focusing our economy on climate (...)
Health or Sickness - Generate greater wealth through an (...)
As a society, we would be better off focusing our economy on health rather (...)
Electronics for change and innovation
How can electronics be used to improve the human condition and foster (...)
Drones for change and innovation
How drones can be used to improve the human condition and foster (...)
Solutions for an efficient International Organization
How to make an International Organization effective?
The Continuum Concept as a Key to Unlocking Education
Drawing the benefits of the Continuum Concept methods to make education (...)
General Information
At Geneva from 9 to 13 December 2024 - Week full program
A One-week High-Level Meeting that Help you to Change the World