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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) See detailled presentation

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) See detailled presentation

Home > Practical Informations > Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the steps to take for those aspiring to attend the GENEVA FORUM?
This is what you need to do in order to take part in the Forum :

  • Check the relevant pages of the conference to get the appropriate information,
  • Fill out the pre-registration form by clicking on this link : GENEVA FORUM REGISTRATION
  • Please ensure that you have received the necessary instructions (check the spam folder) for your registration.
  • Fill out the second registration and confirmation form.
When must we arrive in Geneva to be in time for our conference?
  • If you are interested in a conference that runs in the morning, you must arrive at location in the afternoon of the previous day to receive your entry pass for the UN. In the evening, you are welcome to attend one of the themed networking dinners offered, such as “Sustainable Tourism and Citizens of the World” on the Monday or perhaps “Rights of Nature” on the Tuesday and so on, all evenings of the week.
  • If you wish to attend one of these networking dinners, you can find all the necessary information after filling out your pre-registration form below, which also allows you to book a spot at the dinner of your choice.
  • If you are interested in a conference that runs in the afternoon, you must arrive at location no later than 10am of the day of the conference to receive your entry pass for the UN. If you wish to leave on the same day, you can after 8pm.
  • Please, fill this form : GENEVA FORUM Registration
What is the process to become a member?
If you are interested in attending the GENEVA FORUM, we require that you become a member of the organization. Two options are available for this purpose:

  • Subscribe to a membership of the amount of your choice per person.
  • Use TEAM membership, which is applicable for two or more persons with this membership, each member can check in individually at the entrance by signing in under the name of the person who placed the membership request on our website.
    You may subscribe by clicking on the following link: Membership
What are the types of official partnerships with the GENEVA FORUM and how can it be accessed?
The Geneva Forum offers two types of partnerships:

  • A simple partnership: the partnership of mutual visibility. It will allow you to inform all your contacts (active or new) of your participation in the Forum:
    • You promote the GENEVA FORUM, especially with potential speakers in order to offer them the opportunity to come and speak, and in exchange your organization is promoted and highlighted on the page of the Conference of which you are a partner,
    • You will have your logo as an official partner present on the page of the annual call for contributions of the conference, and at the bottom of all the web pages of the site, as well as :
      • You are therefore inviting the people who are part of your newsletter to the Conference by announcing that your Organization is an official partner of the "GENEVA FORUM"
      • By giving this link, when your contacts go there they will find your logo at the top of the page.
  • A more advanced and intellectual partnership: you become a co-organizer.
    • You will be able to get involved in the Conference,
    • You will bring speakers and you can be at our side to open or close the Conference,
    • In addition, another person, or the same person from your organization, may also give a presentation on the Conference theme (in this case, use the usual abstract submission form).
    • The benefits of this partnership are in long-term cooperation : the both partnership are time investment for win-win results.

The GENEVA FORUM does not cover transportation and hosting fees.

Which expenses are covered by the GENEVA FORUM?
The GENEVA FORUM provides the organization of the conference week in the location selected (Palais des Nations of United Nations or other depending session) so that you can benefit from meetings with your peers. For their part, the speakers and listeners cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.
Will the accommodation and travel expenses of invited conference speakers be covered by the GENEVA FORUM?
As stated above, the GENEVA FORUM will host the week-long conference in the location selected (Palais des Nations of United Nations or other depending session) where you will have the opportunity to meet with your peers.
During this forum, even when invited by the organizing committee itself, speakers will still be expected to finance their own accommodation and travel expenses.
However, please enquire whether your institution is able to cover the Forum expenses considering that it counts as a scientific conference. Do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team if you need an invitation letter.
How can a participant to the Geneva Forum ask funds to help their organisation to attend the event ?
While using your email confirmation to your subscription form, you can approach without delay your local institutions to ask the documents to fill to receive help in financing a part or all of your travel and hosting fees to come in Geneva. Into all possibilities you find :

  • Region, District... of the head of your own organization,
  • Public agencies of your country organizing international exchanges,
  • Ministries and Department of Sustainable Developpement, Research, Education, Tourisme, Finance... depending on the main conference of the Forum you are coming for
  • Others

After contacting those institutions, using the confirmation email from our subscription form, you can use, in a second time, our official letter of invitation, to add this piece of documentation into the document you will finally submit to request your grant/help. To ask for an Invitation Letter, please follow the instruction you receive on the screen and by email when you submit the registration form to the Forum (on this website).

Will the speakers coming from very far have their accomodation fees covered by the GENEVA FORUM?
In the same way we don’t cover transport costs, unfortunately, we are unable to provide accommodation or travel expenses for all our speakers.

We do however offer low-cost housing options available in Geneva:

How can I obtain an invitation letter?
Whether it is needed for a visa or to apply for internal funding from your organisation, you have to:

  • Fill out the pre-registration form, available here: GENEVA FORUM REGISTRATION
  • Follow the instructions, sent within 24 hours, which will contain the “invitation letter request” form
  • Fill out the second form to file your request, so that we are able to confirm your registration to the GENEVA FORUM.

Each year, invitation letter requests are processed from June onwards. The earlier you file your application, the better for the organisation of the forum.

Can I become a member of the NGO Objectif Sciences International?
To join OSI as an individual member, you must adhere to one of the structures of the NGO; in this case, registration to the Geneva Forum automatically qualifies you to become a member of OSI.

You may become a core member of the NGO by undertaking one of the following programs as well:

In either instance, an opportunity to attend the GENEVA FORUM is offered so that you may get in touch and discuss your project with the NGO.

Can I start a local OSI group in my country?
As long as there is no existing local group in your country, you may establish one by acting as a local representative. This can be done by following the steps below:

  • Attend the GENEVA FORUM and get acquainted and discuss your project with the NGO leaders.
  • Please refer to the local group creation tutorial provided on this link: LOCAL GROUP CREATION TUTORIAL
How is the GENEVA FORUM associated to the UN?
Objectif Sciences International and the Geneva Forum are both accredited by the UN and they hold an ECOSOC advisory status.
Different GENEVA FORUM sessions are held in partnership with different branches of the United Nations.
How do the Geneva Forum attendees benefit from the UN?
The UN plays a key role in international decision-making, as such you will have opportunities for collaboration with a variety of stakeholders.
In addition, the outcomes and recommendations of the conference will be shared with all relevant United Nations entities involved in specific issues.

Our Partners

See also